1. Introduction
1.1 The National Development Council (NDC)
in its 53rd meeting held on 29th May, 2007
adopted a resolution to launch a Food Security
Mission comprising rice, wheat and pulses to increase
the production of rice by 10 million tons, wheat by
8 million tons and pulses by 2 million tons by the
end of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12). Accordingly, A
Centrally Sponsored Scheme, 'National Food Security
Mission', has been launched from 2007-08 to
operationalize the above mentioned resolution.
1.2 The National Food Security Mission will
have three components (i) National Food Security
Mission - Rice (NFSM-Rice); (ii) National Food
Security Mission - Wheat (NFSM-Wheat); and
National Food Security Mission - Pulses (NFSMPulses).
2. Mission Objectives
2.1 Increasing production of rice, wheat and
pulses through area expansion and productivity
enhancement in a sustainable manner in the
identified districts of the country;
2.2 Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the
individual farm level;
2.3 Creation of employment opportunities; and
2.4 Enhancing farm level economy (i.e. farm
profits) to restore confidence amongst the farmers.
3.1 To achieve the above objectives, the Mission
would adopt following strategies:
National Food Security Mission
Operational Guidelines
i. Implementation in a mission mode
through active engagement of all the
stakeholders at various levels.
ii. Promotion and extension of improved
technologies i.e., seed, Integrated Nutrient
Management including micronutrients,
soil amendments, IPM and resource
conservation technologies along with
capacity building of farmers.
iii. Flow of fund would be closely monitored
to ensure that interventions reach the
target beneficiaries on time.
iv. Various interventions proposed would be
integrated with the district plan and targets
for each identified district would be fixed.
v. Constant monitoring and concurrent
evaluation for assessing the impact of the
interventions for a result oriented approach
by the implementing agencies.